Twelve truths the spirit world wants you to know.
Let’s face it. Our passed loved ones were not perfect angels during their embodied life.
Let’s face it. Our passed loved ones were not perfect angels during their embodied life.
They squawked at us, and squabbled with us.
They made mistakes, and neglected their responsibilities.
They failed to tell the truth.
I guess you could say, they were only human.
When we die, we get wiser. Most of the time, anyway.
When we step outside our bodies, we step outside of matter, space, and time.
We get an angel’s-eye-view of the terrain, and our new perspective reveals truths that were obscured while we were living through the thick of it.
In my two decades as a professional medium, the evidence and messages from your loved ones in spirit have been many and varied, and yet, underneath it all, there are consistent and repeated messages encoded in their communications.
From Spain to South Africa, Scotland to Singapore, underneath different cultures and experiences, our souls are the same.
In no particular order, here are twelve truths the spirit world wants you to know:
Yes, you were wronged. And you are entitled to your anger. But prolonged anger takes far more from you than it satisfies. It closes doors and stops you from seeing the good. That’s why you have named it ‘blind rage’. Minimize anger for your own sake.
Pay attention to the things you want more of. Pay less attention to the things you want less of. Your attention breathes life into your reality.
Unconditional love and curiosity are the same thing.
Live your life as water. Find the path of least resistance and allow yourself to flow.
We are closest to you when you do what makes YOU happy, NOT when you do what you THINK would make us happy.
Most problems are caused by the withholding of love. Most problems are solved by the application of love in the correct place.
Play more. Do not allow age to extinguish your childlike nature, for your childlike nature is the truth.
Give generously when you have it to give, and take wholeheartedly when you are in need.
Many mental, spiritual and emotional maladies can be remedied by spending time in service you find difficult and meaningful. When you make a difference to others, it makes a difference to you.
We are transmitting love and support to you, always. You are never alone.
The terrors of the world prune complacency and cause goodness to grow back in its place. We are sorry it has to be this way. The terrors of the world are unavoidable.
Let yourself off the hook, the path to wisdom is paved with errors.
Now, I’d love to hear from you. I’ve opened up the comments to everyone this time. Which of these truths was a message for you and why?
I love all of this - especially the terrors of the world prune complacency! What an amazing way to phrase that. It comes across as gentle and caring and I feel it so strongly in my heart as truth! ♥️
"Many mental, spiritual and emotional maladies can be remedied by spending time in service you find difficult and meaningful. When you make a difference to others, it makes a difference to you. "- This is so true, there is a very cool story in the latest BatGap interview about a Liberal American woman who found it very hard to help a single mum, Donald Trump supporter living in a trailer park... but when she went out of her comfort zone and did so, she made a difference to that woman and, as you say, to herself!