When Michael my son passed in 2019 I had. to go through a healing, which I am still doing. The healing has taken many forms. One of them being I had to eliminate many things, one being alcohol. But I've been attempting to do that many years, without success. There are many reasons to drink but mostly people drink to either have fun or to feel normal. I drank to feel normal. I have been watching the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial. And I am watching it because I used to be a court mediator and saw firsthand how to heal oneself is to expose oneself, either to oneself or in this case the entire world. He mentions that's why he drank or did drugs is to feel 'normal'. I have always liked Johnny Depp and his earlier movies are very heartfelt. My son did the same thing, to feel 'normal' in this difficult 3D experience which can turn highly sensitive people into alcoholics or drug addicts. Since Michael has passed I have changed my diet, my alcohol use (still working on it), my place of living, my friends, my way of life and have had a huge heart opening which I use every single day in one way or other when I get prompted to do so. I celebrate you Lauren for your wedding plans and your way of life. Everyone has choices. Her choices have come from a place of clarity and intuitive understanding. Good on you, Lauren for 'feeling' life instead of just 'living it.

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Becoming famous so young also puts people at risk of exploitation when they most need support. Johnny became a 'cash cow' to a lot of people. That is an unhealthy dynamic when someone has a history of being abused. You don't know who you can depend on, and who is only there because they are dependent on you. That would drive many sensitive people to unhealthy forms of escapism.

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Hey Lauren, first of all congratulations on setting your wedding date.

Over the past couple of years I have cut gluten from my diet. It has helped me with some of my health issues. I did keep getting this signal from spirit. Although I still have some health issues going on it has helped me to see that what we put in our bodies really matters in so many different ways. At the moment I am making me own pre and probiotic yoghurts which seems to be helping my gut, I have had so many antibiotics. I even do intermittent fasting which seems to be what I am drawn to do just now. I just try and go with what I am drawn to x

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Hi Alison, it sounds like you have found a way of eating intuitively that's working for you. Y'know, I used to think the whole gluten conversation was waaayyy overblown, but lately I cannot tolerate bread at all. I get a burning swollen tummy and feel itchy all over. I still eat pasta and pastries sometimes, but bread, for me, is a no-go now. I hope you're feeling well. Keep following that inner knowing! xx

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This is so true! I’m catching up on your posts Lauren and this one resonates right now. Thank you!

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