After suffering (and I mean suffering!) with covid for almost three weeks now, I am finally starting to feel like myself again.
I love the recovery period after a virus. When I’ve got my energy back, and when I feel able to live all the life that’s gone unlived in the last few weeks.
I become motivated, focused and determined.
Before covid, there were several goals in the back of my mind where my attitude was ‘meh, I’ll get to it whenever’, but being so ill that I didn’t have the option to ‘get to’ anything has ignited a sense of urgency within me, and I’ve begun to take swift and decisive action.
Corbin and I are getting married next month, and we weren’t going to bother with a honeymoon right now, because we’re saving to buy our first home. But after being stuck at home worrying about covid for two years, and then actually getting covid, an international adventure feels absolutely essential right now. A honeymoon has shot to the top of our priority list!
So we booked a week in a five-star resort in Sorrento, Italy in early October. I have already scouted out the top seafood, pizza, pasta, and gelato places and quite frankly, I cannot wait for this trip. Time to get back to living!
I feel the same about my writing and my mediumship. I was humming and hawwing over my proposal for my new book.
Is it good enough?
Is it ready?
Is this going to be compelling to people?
Should that be a comma or a semi-colon?
This illness made me stop tinkering with it and just get it out there. I’ve pitched to twenty agents so far. One rejection, nineteen still considering it.
Live events are at the forefront of my mind too. I’m desperate to work with spirit in the room with people. I’ve been mulling over my live Spirit Sessions events for two years now. It’s time to make it happen.
Concurrently with my Spirit Sessions events, I’m developing a new course for advanced / professional mediums who want to demonstrate their mediumship publicly and host live events. It’s called Platform Perfection. It’s probably my most requested course ever. So if you’ve always wanted to overcome fear of speaking; get up on platform and lift the energy of an entire room with your mediumship; and learn how to put on your own mediumship events, then this will be for you. Look out for early enrollment details in the next few weeks - course begins in October.
I am so happy to have my energy back, and to be returning to (almost!) full steam ahead. I hope that you will take a leaf out of my book and rest when you have to rest. But when the sunshine returns after the rain, get out there, prioritize your dreams, and make them happen.
Now, I’d love to hear from you. Is is rain time or sunshine time for you right now? Is there a big dream or goal you could be working on with a bit more urgency? Please share your thoughts in a comment.