Just a quick one today!
I’d like to draw your attention to this video I filmed for Hay House to promote the launch of my book, The Medium in Manolos.
I doubt you will have seen it already, so I hope it’s fresh and helpful for you.
In it, I talk about how, beyond meditation and lots of practice, the secret to accurate mediumship is to get your head on straight, and to stop the inner critical narrative that pulls you away from oneness with spirit.
The negative thoughts and beliefs we have about ourselves become the walls of our prison that keep us from freedom, success and joy.
Even if you’re not a medium, give it a watch, and think about whether you think these things about yourself. How could your life change if you were to stop?
I hope you enjoy!
Now, I’d love to hear from you.
Which of these limiting beliefs rang most true for you?
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